Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Process For The People - What is a Process?

Peter Keen, writing in the invaluable Every Manager’s Guide to Business Processes defines Process as

"Any aspect of organizational functioning to which the word process can be meaningfully added."

Sanjay Kalra

The Vision Thing | Business. Process. Management. | Weblog

Monday, September 19, 2005

BPM and the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2005

Here's an excellent piece on the Gartner Hype Cycle. Note the position of BPM - right on top of the Hype Cycle - "the peak of inflated expectations".

As for me, I don't agree with the inflated expectations part. I think that BPM is certainly high on the hype cycle - but it is actually more like being on the "Slope of Enlightment". That is because its earlier avatars of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Workflow have already gone through this cycle. I see 5 years of strong growth before this technology begins to plateau.

You can download Gartner's presentation and listen to their webcast at

Sanjay Kalra
Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies - 2005 | Daniel Neamu Weblog
Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2005

Friday, September 16, 2005

Next generation workflow - Vendor Voice - Network Magazine India

An excellent perspective on how Business Process Management practices can make organizations speedy and efficient. The author is Diwakar Nigam, founder Chairman of Newgen Software Technologies - a leading provider of BPM and Content Management solutions worldwide with 40% market share in its home base of India.

Diwakar makes a few very good points here - the primacy of processes in today's business environment, well defined objectives of BPM, the various underlying technologies that come together in a BPM solution (EAI, Middleware, SOA, etc.). He also talks about how BPM is helping companies in the emerging markets where paper based processes still reign supreme - by streamlining process flow and providing central repository of images of business critical paper documents.

The author feels very strongly that BPM would be a significant technology in the coming years that will help businesses in all industries across the board. E-Governance is another key area that would gain a lot from BPM technology.

Sanjay Kalra

Next generation workflow - Vendor Voice - Network Magazine India: "activities"